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DORA as a Service

Automating the capturing of 3rd, 4th and 5th party providers for the finance sector's response to DORA.

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) must be adhered to from January 2025. Financial institutions operating within the EU are mandated to annually report details of their High Risk Third-Party Providers (TPPs), including relevant 3rd, 4th and 5th related parties and their Concentration Risk. The cost of non-compliance can be significant.

Although not currently required to comply, forward thinking Australian and New Zealand companies are already making plans for DORA to enable growth into Europe.

Mapping the Third-Parties and their dependencies

An example of the potential scope of the data network and nodes which can be mapped across the estate, with TechPassport centrally capturing it.

Mapping image
How the data is mapped

TechPassport brings together and connects the estate for full Concentration Risk mapping. This enables informed decisions for identifying new solutions, and managing accordingly and pro-actively.

Data mapping table
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